Celebrating National Seniors’ Day
October 01, 2019
2 minute read
National Seniors Day is about paying tribute to the seniors in our lives who’ve helped make our country what it is and whose ongoing contributions enrich our communities and our families. The General Assembly of the United Nations has also designated October 1st as the International Day of Older Persons.
What the stats say
- In 2014, over 6 million Canadians were aged 65 or older, representing 15.6% of Canada's population. By 2030, seniors will number over 9.5 million and make up 23% of Canadians. Additionally, by 2036, the average life expectancy at birth for women will rise to 86.2 years from the current 84.2 and to 82.9 years from the current 80 for men.
Government of Canada – Action for Seniors Report - Between 2011 and 2016, the number of people aged 85 and older grew by 19.4%, nearly four times the rate for the overall Canadian population. In 2016, people aged 85 and older represented 2.2% of the Canadian population.
Statistics Canada – A portrait of the population aged 85 and older in 2016 in Canada - Rates of Internet use differ across age groups within the senior population, with about 81% use among seniors aged 65 to 69, compared with 74% among those aged 70 to 74, 64% among those aged 75 to 79, and 49% among those aged 80 or older.
Statistics Canada – Study: Evolving Internet Use Among Canadian Seniors